Company Card

Legal organization form Limited Liability Company
De facto address 603006, Nizhny Novgorod, Belinskogo st., 102
Registered address 603024, Nizhny Novgorod, Nevzorovykh st, 89-34
TIN (Tax Identification Number) 5262303280
RRC (Reason for Registration Code) 526201001
A/c (current account) 40702810110500000738
Bank BRANCH no. 6318 VTB (PAO) Samara
C/a (correspondent account) 30101810422023601968
RCBIC (Russian Central Bank Identifier Code) 043601968
GCEO (General Classifier of Enterpises and Organizatons) 39242300
ARCPS (All-Russian Classifier of Political Subdivisions) 22401379000
PSRN (Primary State Registration Number) 1145262007637
RCTMF (Russian Classifier of Territiries of Municipal Formations) 22701000
OKVED (Russian Classification of Economic Activities) 63.30, 55.23, 92.62, 85.11, 55.22, 85.11.2, 74.84, 85.12, 63.30.3, 63.30.2, 55.23.2, 63.30.1, 63.30.1, 55.21, 55.23.1
Chief Executive Vinoy Maria Alexandrovna
Chief Accountant Vinoy Maria Alexandrovna
Directorship acting ex officio


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